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Thursday, Jun. 17, 2004 - 3:51 PM

(Really written and originally posted on Wednesday, June 16)

Wow, I can�t believe it�s only Wednesday. This week feels like it�s dragging. It feels like it should be Friday by now. Maybe that�s because I�ve been getting up early every morning to go running before work. (Yes, you heard me right � EVERY morning so far this week � today I even got up 10 minutes earlier so I could do four miles instead of just three!) I�ve also been eating really, really well � no cheating. That�s enough to make for a long week right there.

We also had a little scare. B�s dad was put in the hospital and they were afraid he was having heart problems. He�s had a couple of heart attacks in the past and two bypass surgeries, so this is something that makes everyone nervous. They did an angioplasty (I think?) today to see if there were any blockages, and luckily we found out that it looks like everything is OK with his heart. He�s still having some strange symptoms and they need to find out what�s behind all that, but for now this is great news. His heart is OK.

I don�t know how B and I would have been able to handle it if there were something serious going on with his dad. B was already making plans to fly to Texas. We�ve just been through too much already this year. Something happening to his dad would be too much. I can�t even imagine.

I guess you handle things as they come, though. Just like with B�s accident, you just rise to the occasion. You don�t have any other choice. And I do believe that God doesn�t give us more than we can handle. Of course, sometimes it feels like He does. But we get through it. Somehow.

It seems like there�s a lot of stuff going on right now. Tonight a guy is coming over to meet with us and discuss some business opportunities. Like, opportunities to own our own business so I wouldn�t have to work for a corporation or in a cubicle anymore. I don�t want to say too much about it at this point because it�s too new and we still don�t know if it�s really going to happen. But I will say that I�m excited about it. Keep your fingers crossed. This could be really good for me and B. Especially me.

Despite it feeling long, this week has been good so far. I feel good this week. And isn�t it nice when you actually notice that you feel good? Usually you only notice feeling crappy. I think it has a lot to do with my getting more exercise again � it was such a regular part of my life for so long, and being out of the exercise routine for the past few months has really put a damper on things, I think. I�ve also been eating really well, which naturally makes you feel better. Really, I�m amazed at how much better you feel when you�re eating the right things and not overeating. I used to have an upset stomach at least once a week, and often I�d feel overstuffed and sluggish and tired after eating too much, especially in the afternoon at work. All that is gone. I have to keep reminding myself how good that feels so I won�t go off and binge on junk.

But beyond the physical aspect of the food and exercise thing, I think I feel good this week because I�ve had things under control. (Granted, it�s only been 2.5 days, but still.) I�ve been very regimented about my running and eating and working out at lunch. And that makes me in control of my life, to some degree. I don�t know why, but this makes me feel good. I�m sure that could be psychoanalyzed, but whatever. It feels good.

And I think that�s all I have to say today.

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