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Thursday, Mar. 18, 2004 - 11:27 AM

I only lost one pound this week. The bad news is it�s only one pound. The good news is that it adds up to a grand total of 10 pounds, and I got another little star on my WW chart! (Oh, the little things�)

The very first person made a comment about my weight loss earlier this week. It was very exciting that someone noticed, but awkward at the same time because it was my co-worker who started doing WW a week ago, not knowing that I was doing it. I ended up confessing to her that I�d been doing WW as well, and she�s been really cool about keeping it quiet and keeping our conversations about it discreet. But, get this, she lost NINE pounds in her first week. I�m not letting that discourage me because she�s much bigger than me. Not fatter � just taller and bigger-boned, I guess you might say.

Today I�m wearing another pair of pants that I haven�t worn for a long time, and over the weekend I was able to get into a fun pair of Capri jeans I haven�t been able to enjoy for a while. But here�s the weird thing � they�re both the same brand, and the jeans are size 4 while the pants are size 8. And now that I�m in them, the pants aren�t quite as comfortable as I�d hoped for. I don�t think they look tight, they just sorta feel tight as I�m sitting here at my desk. I hate that feeling. And I HATE that about women�s clothes. Why can�t these designers get their act together and standardize their sizes, already?! B can walk into any store, find his size on the rack, take his jeans/slacks/shorts home, and have them fit perfectly comfortably. I have to take three different sizes of each pair of pants into the dressing room every time because you just never know. Sheesh.

Back to my one pound. The other good news about that is that it comes after dinner out on Tuesday night, when I ate an 8-oz. filet mignon and followed it up with a two-scoop hot fudge sundae from Baskin Robbins. And that came after Sunday afternoon on Balboa Island where I had a Balboa Bar (a vanilla ice cream bar dipped in chocolate and your choice of other topping � I like the chocolate sprinkles) and several pieces of saltwater taffee.

Oh, I also bought a new bathing suit while we were at Balboa Island. B said I looked sexy in it. He said he hadn�t realized how much weight I�d lost until he saw me in it.

Is that cool or what?

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