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Mr. Ointy






Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004 - 4:05 PM

Wow, two entries in one day. Enjoy it now; it probably won�t happen again for a while�

Here�s the rundown on what�s going on in my life as of late:

B started his new job yesterday. He had to be picked up in the morning by his new boss since he turned in his old company car and therefore had no way to get to work. So I kissed him goodbye at the front door and sent him on his way � I sort of felt like I was sending my child off to his first day of school. He got a new company car yesterday so he was able to drive himself home. I don�t like it as much as the old one, but hey, it�s free.

He seems pretty psyched about the new job, even though he said the first day was boring. I think he�s excited about starting something new and the opportunities he thinks this position will offer. Plus they gave him all kinds of stuff, like coffee mugs and shirts and a cooler and pens and it�s always fun to get gifts.

But now I�m feeling a little envious because my job is still the same old same old and I wish I were as excited about things as he seems to be. And that makes me anxious about PL and I just want to get the show on the road and get PL started once and for all.


Speaking of PL, last week one of the owners came out to look at potential locations for the store. We looked at three sites, and they�re all pretty good. We�ve narrowed it down to two, and I won�t bore you with the details, but one is walking distance from our house and very expensive, while the other is a bit farther away and a little more affordable. There are pros and cons for both locations, but I think that if I had my way I�d choose the one near our house. But it�s all going to come down to money, really, so I just have to be patient while the PL big-shots try to negotiate the leases. We�ll see what they come back with. I just hope they hurry up. Like I said, I�m getting anxious.


In other news, I went running yesterday and this morning, marking my first two runs for the month of August. Yes, I ended up taking a little break from running. I didn�t mean to � I guess things just started getting crazy this month and then we were on vacation and August just sort of slipped by. Anyway, the runs were unremarkable except for the fact that my neighbor joined me. It�s nice to have company. My legs are sore today, though. That�s what I get for being a slacker.


I�m very tired today because I did not sleep well last night. Why, you ask? Because of my three bedmates. B snored like a bear ALL NIGHT LONG, waking me up several times. Each time I�d whisper loudly, �B, stop snoring!� and usually it would work. Until the next time he woke me up. Hondo, on the other hand, has developed a habit of sucking on the blanket all night long. To explain: he picks a piece of blanket up in his mouth and then turns in circles a few times to twist the blanket up. Then, straddling this section of twisted-up blanket, he paws at the bed like he�s kneading dough or something. (Does anyone else�s cat do this?) It�s really weird, and I think it�s some kind of cat self-gratification or something, but B doesn�t think so. At any rate, for the past few nights he�s been doing this off and on throughout the night. He woke me up several times with this strange ritual, and each time I pulled the blanket out of his mouth and shooed him away. The third culprit was Dixie, who insists on sleeping with the whole length of her body pressed against mine. If you move a little, she moves a little to maintain constant contact. Usually I don�t mind this � it�s even a little sweet � but last night with the cat making love to the blanket and B sawing logs all night, every time I woke up I realized I was in a very uncomfortable position due to my efforts to accommodate the dog. Sheesh.


I went to a message board yesterday to peruse the contents. Everyone was being so mean to this one girl who had posted an innocent message and I felt obligated to stand up for her. But then I was attacked and called names and they were mean to me! This is so stupid, because who really cares, but it really made me feel rotten. I�ve thought about it several times since then and it still bugs me.

But this antagonistic attitude seems to be a common thread running through message boards, at least the few I�ve visited. It�s like people just look for ways to attack one another. I think it�s a rather sad commentary on our society, actually � I think people are rude and hostile to others because it�s anonymous so they can get away with it, and it makes me question the basic goodness of people (which I try very hard to believe in) if they are so eager to turn on one another.

Then again, maybe it�s just the few message boards I�ve visited. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


OK, here�s some juice. The cast includes Spike (my boss) and Queen (my co-worker). Ever since I started working here, I�ve heard the rumors that Spike and Queen are involved. I haven�t doubted the rumors (after all, that�s why she�s the Queen), but they�ve always kept it quite a mystery and even flat-out denied it several times when questioned.

About six weeks ago, Queen got a promotion and was moved into a different department. We all suspected that the truth would now come out since there was no longer a conflict of interest (in fact, we think the conflict of interest is the primary reason she was given a new position), but the secretiveness continued.

Last night, B and I went out with Spike and Queen, and at one point during dinner, Spike�s hand grazed Queen�s shoulder tenderly. It actually caught me so off-guard that I forgot what I�d been saying for a moment, quickly averting my eyes. Then he started rubbing her shoulders. And putting his hand on her leg. And so it continued all night long. He couldn�t keep his hands off her. It was so weird. After months and months of pretending that nothing was going on, there they were practically making out in front of us! It was actually pretty over the top. Even if they weren�t my colleagues and weren�t making their first public admission of coupledom, I would have found it odd. And a little annoying. I mean, get a room!

And now I am dying � DYING! � to tell the rest of my co-workers. Because we�ve been wondering and whispering about this ever since I started working here. And I finally have the answer! I have proof! I saw it with my own eyes! But I feel like that would be betraying them somehow, because they�re still carrying on the charade at work. I feel like it was a gesture of trust in my discretion that they �admitted� they were a couple. So I haven�t said a word. I�ve kept my mouth shut. And it�s killing me.


Everyone is having babies. My best friend Anne just had one. My sister-in-law is pregnant (I�m going to be an aunt!). I just found out another good friend is pregnant with her second. My co-worker�s sister just found out she�s having a boy. My other co-worker just found out her aunt is pregnant. Everywhere I look, there are pregnant women waddling around. I swear, there must be something in the water.

I think I�m finally feeling like I want to have a baby. I�ve decided I�m definitely going with my original plan and stopping the pill on my next birthday (January 23). If we end up doing PL, getting pregnant next year may not be the best plan. But I think I don�t care. I think I want to do it anyway. After all, there�s probably never going to be a �good time� for it. If you think that way, you�ll never do it, because there�s always something going on. Always an excuse. Always a reason to say �now just isn�t a good time.� Right?


TTFN. (That means �ta-ta for now,� as in �goodbye for now,� not �boob for now.� It�s from Winnie the Pooh. It�s actually a pretty annoying expression. Hee.)

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