
miranda - 2004-07-07 20:00:55 i supposed to be leaving my comments here instead of the main space?? sorry honey bunny!! i may have been talking to myself all of these weeks!! i'll comment here from now on
caela - 2004-07-08 08:39:23
Ah, I understand what you mean about the grocery shopping! My ex-husband never wanted to go to the store with me, it was always something I had to do alone. Now, even though we don't live together, my boyfriend likes to come shopping with me sometimes. I am a total power shopper though...I don't use coupons very often, but I know the store like the back of my hand and I tend to get impatient with people who block the aisles with their carts and stuff like that. Unfortunately my boyfriend tends to do that. I must edumacate him!

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