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Thursday, Apr. 15, 2004 - 10:50 AM

Here�s a conversation that took place this morning at work:

T: (To me) You�re looking really skinny! Wow, what have you been doing?

(Me thinking: Awkward question, how to avoid it, just smile and act like she�s crazy)

J: Yeah, you�ve been looking really tiny lately, especially today.

(Me thinking: Thanks for noticing that I�m not the fat cow you thought I was)

H: It�s probably just because of everything that�s happened over the past couple of weeks�all the stress, you know.

(Me thinking: No, you dumb ho, I didn�t just suddenly shed 14 pounds because I was upset about B)

T: Well, you look great. And you have kids, too, so that�s even more impressive!

(Me thinking: WHAT?!)

Me: I don�t have kids�

T: You don�t?! I thought you did! Why did I think you did?! I�ve always thought you had kids�

Me: Funny, someone else around here thought I had kids too�

T: Well, I really thought you did. And you just *look* like you have kids.

M: I do?!

H: Yeah, you have that look

M: (horrified) I do?!

H: It�s not a bad thing. You just look *motherly*, you know?

(Me thinking: I look *motherly*?! THIS from the girl who wears long, flowy, floral-print, Little House on the Prairie skirts and button-down cotton shirts tied into a knot at the waist? Really.)

T: Yeah, you just have that *mom* look.

H: Like a soccer mom�

Oh. My. Gosh. I don�t think I�ve ever been so insulted in my life.

Not that being a mom is bad. Or even that being a soccer mom is bad.

But to *look* like one?!? That is NOT what I�m going for here. I�m twenty-freaking-nine years old!

I mean, the �mom look� is elastic-waist jeans, a T-shirt tucked in, and sensible flats. It�s a smock dress with a Noah�s Ark scene embroidered on the front pocket and Keds with fold-down socks. It�s a short �mom haircut.� It�s coordinating shorts and a vest. It�s a blouse with plastic bunny- and carrot-shaped buttons for spring.

I could argue that this comment stems from the fact that I actually dress like a professional in my workplace, whereas others in my department choose to wear bra-strap-showing cleavage-revealing tank tops, cargo-style workout pants, a hooded sweatshirt, and flip flops to work.

But still.

I�m really upset about this. I guess I need to go shopping.


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